Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dark hair or light hair?

Do I look better with light hair or dark hair?

My natural hair colour is brown.

I had it blonde but dyed it back, except it's a little darker than my natural hair colour. It's almost black now. I'm naturally a medium brown

Me a few weeks ago:

Me Now: ( my hair is up in a ponytail )

I got over 30 comments on my darker hair at school. When I went blonde, I only got 3.

Dark hair or light hair?

it looks alot better darker brings out your eyes.. i did the same had hair like you but then died it darker people said it looked better!

Dark hair or light hair?

the lighter is WAY better.

and maybe you got more comments because..its was way different..

Dark hair or light hair?

i like the dark hair better on you. it brings out your eyes more. you have pretty eyes! :)

Dark hair or light hair?

i like the darker color better!

it makes your features pop.

Dark hair or light hair?

I do think the lighter hair looks nicer on you.

Dark hair or light hair?

The dark hair doesn't look natural... Go for the lighter hair.

Dark hair or light hair?

You look better with the darker hair which makes sense since its closer to your natural hair color. Your going to look best with your natural hair color because thats what will match your skin tone best and highlight your features.

Dark hair or light hair?

I think the darker hair is much better but don't have it black black , have it kind of dark brown, I think dark hair suits you well than lighter, it brings your eyes out.

Dark hair or light hair?



Dark hair or light hair?

You look better with dark hair because that gives life to your eyes and lips. (still single)

Dark hair or light hair?

I say forget the dye jobs; at least on a regular basis -- bad for your long-term health -- and just be you, naturally : )

And wear a smile : ) that's the sexiest!

Dark hair or light hair?

Oh lucie-you can change the outside of you, just don't go changing the inside!!!

Dark hair or light hair?

darker is so much nicer.

Dark hair or light hair?

Lighter hair.

Dark hair or light hair?


Dark hair or light hair?

I like both but I got to give it to light...i complments your face. you have a narowrer facical stucture and light ckin. so light hair will do.

Dark hair or light hair?

Dark hair or light hair is doesn't matter. The important thing is , if you are a fasihionable person, you probably will dye your hair or follow the nowadays fashion. Or if you are a ordinally person, not follow fashion, for me dark hair or light hair is doesn't matter. You can change your hair style to make you look different/ new look.

Thanks for sharing my opinion.

Dark hair or light hair?

The light colour hair suits you nicely but the darker hair blends really well with your overall apperance.

Dark hair or light hair?

I think you should stick with the natural colour of your hair. It makes you feel 'natural' and appreciate yourself more. On top of that, I like the brown hair.

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