Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Help!!! dyed hair and hate it, need advice!?

ok i posted before about having highlighted blonde hair which was too light and i want it back to my darker natural blonde.

anyway, i bought a dark blonde colour and put it on last nite but it looks HORRID it looks brown!! i didnt leave it on for 25 mins either, was about 15-20 mins!

ive read that tinted or highlighted hair reacts diff to colours than natural hair but i didnt know this!!

anway ive been washing it with washing up liquid and gonna get some vosene too. how long will it take to wash out? its gross! the box says it lasts 6 weeks. i hope its not that long!!

please help im goin away in april and want it nice for then.

thank u

p.s i dont mind paying for a hairdresser to fix it!

thanks xx

Help!!! dyed hair and hate it, need advice!?

I would suggest you just go to a hairdresser, they will be able to correct it and save you from further misery!!! save it for the experts!

Help!!! dyed hair and hate it, need advice!?

i had the same problem 2 months ago. i wanted my hair medium brown so i gt a semi permanet hair dye but horriblu my hair turned out jet blak which made me look like i was going to haloween.anyways every day i washed my hair abou 7 times u wash it and den rinse n den wash and rinse.a good shampoo 2 do dis is head and shoulders citrus fresh or any shampoo for oily hair.if you wash it alot den in 3 days the colour should go more or less to the colour u had it b4.the maximum it will take is a week.

Help!!! dyed hair and hate it, need advice!?

Buy a wig and let your natural hair grow back.Then you can start from scratch.

Help!!! dyed hair and hate it, need advice!?

soap may get the colour out but make sure you buy a leave in conditioner to help with any dryness that may occur.

Help!!! dyed hair and hate it, need advice!?

try to wash it off.some highliters come out when u wash it. or go to the salon.

Help!!! dyed hair and hate it, need advice!?

It's the hairdressers for you, sorry can't help. You know it usually states on the box of dye to do a strand test, and I have to confess I have never done the test, so I think I'm lucky not to have had a disaster. Hope all goes well and you get sorted at the hairdressers.

Help!!! dyed hair and hate it, need advice!?

okay go to a hair dresser asap cause if you hate it you probobly dont want anyone to see it then tell them to dye it back regular color it will work dont worry

Help!!! dyed hair and hate it, need advice!?

I may have answered you before about this and i think that I told you that you shouldn't mess with it but go back to the salon. However a few years a go I would have tried what you did myself so it'a live and learn experience.Trust me on this :quit while you're ahead and go to a proffessional to get it fixed. Good luck, hair issues can be rather traumatizing

Help!!! dyed hair and hate it, need advice!?

Get a lighter hair dye, one that matches your own colour. Those loreal ones are rather good with the highlights in the box. But dont over do it and get a really light one to compensate for the darkness of your hair now or you'll get redish tones.

It might just be that the dye is still fresh... I dyed my hair darker and it looked really bad for the first week, but after a few good washes it does tone down to a more natural - looking colour.

Help!!! dyed hair and hate it, need advice!?

It will come out soon, but you should not have used permanent haircolor on your highlighted hair, you should have used a temporary dye, and always leave the color as long as instructed in the box, or you can risk stained hair.

Anyway, to get rid of it faster, buy some deep-cleaning shampoo like Neutrogena, and mix it with some baking soda in the palm of your hand. Apply it to the hair and leave for a couple minutes. Rinse it out. Follow with a hot oil treatment. Your hair will look a lot lighter after just this one wash/hot oil.

Help!!! dyed hair and hate it, need advice!?

Honey, I've colored my hair blond all of my life and I've done what you did before,getting the werong shade.The biggest problem is the damage done to your hair by color. If you plan to go lighter by yourself I think you should do some hot oil treatments,VO5 makes a good one, and use a deep conditioner and leave it on for a few hours. Then it will be O.K. to use a lighter shade of blonde. If you can afford it have a stylist fix it.

The worst thing I ever did was color my hair then dive into a newly clorinated pool ! My hair was bright green for ages !

Help!!! dyed hair and hate it, need advice!?

there are many store bought products that can remove hair-dye from your hair. check out your local Walgreen's and you should be able to find some.

Help!!! dyed hair and hate it, need advice!?

If you don't mind paying for a hairdresser then I'd book an appointment, ask for a colour technician, its a speciality that not all hairdressers are equally good at.

Help!!! dyed hair and hate it, need advice!?

If you don't mind paying a hairdresser than that is definitely your best course of action. They should be able to sort the colour out and give you some tips on keeping it healthy and what treatments will work with it.

Help!!! dyed hair and hate it, need advice!?

it looks HORRID it looks brown!!

whats wrong with brown hair...?

anyways my advice is to leave your hair alone.. don't try to die it out... it WILL fry the foo out of your hair.

wash it everyday and let it fade out.

Help!!! dyed hair and hate it, need advice!?

Go to a stylist and get it stripped. It will take it back to your natural color. It is the best thing you can do right now. If you keep on adding colors on top of one another you will end up in a worse position then you are now. Plus, you can really damage your hair by dying it so much at one time.

Help!!! dyed hair and hate it, need advice!?

put mayonase oin your hair for 5 or 10 mins its got to be mayonase with a hint of lime because the l;ime makes your hair smell good.

Help!!! dyed hair and hate it, need advice!?

if you wash iot everyday with an actual shampoo adn not washing up liquid, then it will come out quicker. if this doesn't work after about two weeks, go to a hairdresser and they'll sort it out for you.

Help!!! dyed hair and hate it, need advice!?

if you don,t mind paying i,d go to the hairdressers that way you can have any colour you want

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