Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Can Perming Your Hair Permanently Alter Its Texture?

This question may sound ridiculous to some, but still...please don't be rude. I'm just searching for an answer so if you have one, that would be helpful. The reason I'm asking this question is because an aunt of mine relaxed (permed straight) her naturally tightly curled afro-like hair when she was young, and now, almost twenty years later, she is left with a completely different and un-natural hair texture. I guess the best way you could describe it as is 閳ユ笩traight.閳?Not the nice and smooth kind, though. I'm talking about the kind that is dull, limp, lifeless, stringy, difficult to manage, etc. Kinda strange how that happened, huh? I guess what I'd like to know is...has this ever happened to you or anyone you know? Because from what I know, a perm is only permanent on the hair that is permed. The new hair that grows in is supposed to resemble the original texture of your hair. My aunt's hair proves otherwise, though. I閳ユ獡 a little afraid of perming my hair now. Could anyone please offer some kind of logical explanation to how this could've happened? Thanks in advance!

Can Perming Your Hair Permanently Alter Its Texture?

Yeah, it'll only affect the hair that was permed. Any new growth will be healthy and normal.

Can Perming Your Hair Permanently Alter Its Texture?

it depends on ya hair type...but yes

Can Perming Your Hair Permanently Alter Its Texture?

Well if your perming it straight...then it makes it like that...all crappy looking but if its curly it will look great and only stay in until your natural hair grows back and your natural hair wont change within your scalp.

Can Perming Your Hair Permanently Alter Its Texture?

I think no, as the chemicals are only doing their thing on the exposed hair and wouldn't be able to effect what's below the scalp, or what hasn't grown yet. My mother in law claims her husband's hair was made curlier after a perm in the 80's, and remains still curly due to that perm. That just isn't possible. She also thinks my twins came from her side! Hey, her son's sperm ain't that spectacular, causing me to drop two eggs!

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